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The Rookie Healer

Updated: Feb 20

Hello, my Glo Team Healers! I hope you all  enjoyed your holiday bye week—I know I did. However, we’re back to our regular routine. It’s time to bring it in for a quick win! Today’s locker room session is for my Rookie Healers. If you have skin goals and you aren’t making any consistent progress toward those goals—You’re considered a Rookie Healer. No shade. No tea. We’ve all started out as rookies, but luckily for you, ya Glo Coach is here to help guide you through your rookie season. 


What I’ve noticed is all Rookie Healers that I’ve come in contact with have something in common, they lack a healing foundation. You’re always looking for a way to get rid of your acne, and most of what you think to be true healing routines come from other Rookies.

Most of the time, the people you take advice from, or copy their routines have made progress in their healing journeys however, they are still Rookies! 

Any healer that is in their JV, Varsity, or even All-Star season of healing would know to honor the most important rule of healing.


The most important rule to remember, when it comes to your healing, is to honor the fact that it’s a personal journey.  


Anytime someone tries to tell you to use the same things they use or do the same things they do to heal your skin, is a sign you are dealing with a Rookie Healer. You should proceed with caution! 

Dealing with Team Acne’s pimple players is a tricky game, although they may appear to look alike that is almost never the case. What sets your pimple players off may not be the same triggers that set off the pimple players for the person who is giving you the advice. 

That is why most rookies lose the battle with acne way before their first purchase of products.  It’s because they don’t have a healing mindset. 

Inside my 6-month 1-on-1 skin coaching program, Glo Camp, the whole Rookie SZN is focusing on unlearning and relearning what it takes to heal by first creating a healing mindset.


Because if I am being transparent, Team Acne doesn’t play fair. Team Acne will play with you physically by appearing on the skin, emotionally by appearing at the wrong times, and mentally by stressing you out cause they act like they don’t want to leave. 

As a Rookie Healer with no foundation, your solution to this problem is finding a way to get rid of Team Acne. Which typically tricks you into trying harsh products or hacks that lead to more or worsened acne.

Huddle in close so I can tell you a secret:

As irking as Team Acne is—they are actually here to help you! You can’t get rid of acne, but if you’re lucky you can grow out of it. For most of us, until growing out of acne happens, we must learn to control it. 

Acne appearing is your skin's way of telling you something is going on and that there is an imbalance happening somewhere.  

As a Rookie Healer with a foundation, your solution to the problem is learning to decode the messages of team acne & healing the areas they are telling you to show more attention to. 

A small shift in how you view the journey will help you approach it differently and get you longer-lasting results. 

You have to control your mind in order to control Team Acne!

I hope you got at least one gem you can take away from today’s locker room session to add to your healing toolkit. 

Until next time, 



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