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Skin Story: Skin Condition vs. Skin Type

Hello, my Glo Team Healers! 

Welcome back to the locker room blog - incase you have forgotten this blog is designed for you and your teammates to bring it in for a quick win and hopefully add a gem or two to your healing bag. Today I will be giving you the rundown on the difference between your skin type & skin conditions. This is an important topic to tackle because it is foundational for building an effective skin routine, getting results and optimizing your healing journey in general. I wanted to start the year off with this topic because 2024 - we are no longer playing for fun. If you are a part of the Glo Team this year the energy dial is turned to EXECUTE. We are getting results and making progress whether it be for our skin goals or our life goals. So we are going back to our Rookie SZN and this time we are going to do it right. 

When working with new clients my first priority is to get them registered, with our Virtual appointment Registration, which is the Glo Team Esthetics way of doing a Skin analysis & consultation. 

This appointment is where I get to know you, your skin’s story, and the products you use.. And this is why I have chosen the topic Skin Type Vs. Skin Condition.

A trend I am seeing when speaking with new clients about their current routines is that a lot of them, when choosing products, are only choosing products to help with their skin condition or concerns and not taking in account their skin type. This is why you see a lot of people having issues from their skin drying out due to their routines. Part of this is caused by you using the wrong formulation for your skin type. (Although I do know that there could be other reasons for this, however  today we are focusing on Skin Type Vs. Skin Condition)

Glo Team, you know the deal, bring it in for a quick win & let’s break this down. 

Skin Type  

Alright, so check it out! Your skin type is like your skin’s DNA, the blueprint it's born with. 

You have the Norms - keeping it cute, not too oily, not too dry. Never having to do too much they cruise through life with little to no drama. 

Then you have the Oily Crew- always shining bright, they are dealing with excess oil, enlarged pores, and tend to be in battle with clogged pores & blackheads. 

On the flip side you have the Dry Squad - they tend to feel a little parched and tight. Flakiness and rough patches are their enemies as they are on a quest to hydrate! 

Last but not least you have the Dramatic Combo Team - they’re living a dual life.  They are dealing with an oily forehead, nose and chin, but dry everywhere else trying to find balance in a world full of extremes. 

Whether you’re rocking with the Norms, Oily Crew, Dry Squad or the Combo Team when you know your skin type, you can pick products that play to your strengths and help tackle your skincare goals like an All-star! 

Factors that affect the skin 

Let’s dive into the factors that can make or break your skin game. There are things internally as well as externally that can create a shift in your skin. I'm talking about everything from the environment you live in to the lifestyle choices you make. 

First up, is the big bad wolf of skincare: sun exposure. Those UV rays are like secret ninjas,  wreaking havoc on your skin & speeding up the aging process faster than you can say SPF. So be sure to slap on your sunscreen because it's like your skin's armor and protection from those harmful rays. Yes, as a black woman, licensed esthetician, and your Glo Coach I am here to tell you that if you fall into the Black and Brown category - WE DO NEED TO USE SUNSCREEN! I personally use Face Reality’s SPF 30. It's a creamy sunscreen that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to provide both spectrum coverage from UVA & UVB rays. I love it because it melts into your skin and it doesn’t leave a white cast behind. Whatever brand you choose to use make sure you are using at least an SPF 30 DAILY!

Next up is pollution, ‘cause it's not just messing up the air quality, it's messing with your skin too! Dirt, grime and free radicals can clog your pores, trigger inflammation in your skin, and leave your skin looking dull. This is why it’s so important to be using a cleanser that really purifies and cleanses your skin. I like skin script’s Green Tea Citrus Cleanser or if you're oily the Charcoal Clay Cleanser. These two cleansers are my picks because, unlike a lot of cleansers out there, they get the job done without being harsh to the skin by drying it out or compromising the skin barrier. Both Cleansers are great primary cleansers that were created to protect the skin from environmental aggressors while also nourishing the skin

Moving along to lifestyle factors like stress, sleep (or lack thereof), and diet. Stress is the ultimate skin sabotager, triggering breakouts, making current skin conditions worse, and leaving you feeling like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your face. I'm going to be real, if you can’t create a self-care routine that refills your cup and carve out time for some self love, the products or treatments you’re getting will not matter because when you neglect this step no progress will be made! Neglecting to take care of you defeats the purpose of skin care. Skin care is just a portion of your self care journey, but note that it’s entangled into the self care web, so be sure to attend to your full well being for the best results.   

When it comes to factors that affect your skin, it's all about finding balance, protecting your skin from the outside elements, and treating it right from the inside out. ‘Cause at the end of the day your skin is a reflection of how you’ve been treating yourself. Take care of you and let your skin tell the story for you. Glo’n healthy skin will be one of your biggest flex! 

Skin Condition 

When it comes to skin conditions, it's like navigating through a maze, these are issues that can throw your skin off its pivot and make you feel like you’re stuck. Skin conditions can be caused by environmental things, wrong products, an imbalance in your skin, medical conditions, etc! 

You have the Glo Team’s rival arena Acne - the unwanted guest that brings bumps, redness and sometimes scarring. Watch for things that can trigger acne like: pore-clogging products, hormones, lack of sleep, and stress. 

You have the dehydration arena - your skin is like a dry sponge craving hydration so it can plump up & glo. Watch out for these skin dehydrators: too much sun, over-cleansing, hot showers, stress and lack of sleep.

Then there's Hyperpigmentation arena - It's the friend who is always leaving dark marks behind. Be mindful of things that can cause hyperpigmentation like: sun exposure, acne scarring, hormonal challenges, and inflammation. 

Although there are plenty more skin conditions we could talk about we will end at aging - This is the OG that no one is trying to see forreal, they constantly remind you that time waits for no one. Things to be aware of that can cause premature aging is: Smoking, poor diet, dehydration, and pollution. 

If you caught the pattern a lot of these skin conditions can be caused by the same things and some are even caused due to dealing with another skin condition like dehydration and againg. Thats why its easy to feel stuck in your skin journey. Remember, you got the power to keep your skin clear, hydrated and Glo’n.  Stay woke to those triggers and keep your skin game strong! 


Alright, Glo Team, we've gone deep into the skin game, breaking down the difference between skin type and skin conditions. This ain't just about looking good—it's about understanding your skin on a whole 'nother level, setting the stage for some serious glo-up action in 2024.

When you step into the Locker Room this year, it's all about execution. We're not here to play—it's about results, progress, and leveling up in every aspect of life. Be sure to meet us back here next week as we're flipping the script, going back to Rookie SZN, and this time, doing it right.

Locker Room Takeaways 

From the Norms to the Oily Crew, Dry Squad, and Dramatic Combo Team, knowing your skin type is like having the playbook to your skin's success. It's about picking products that play to your strengths and help you shine like the star you are.

But let's not forget the factors that can throw a wrench in our glo-up plans. From sun exposure to pollution, stress to lack of sleep, it's a battlefield out there. But we're armed and ready, with our sunscreen, purifying cleansers, and self-care routines on lock. 'Cause at the end of the day, our skin is a reflection of how we've been treating ourselves.

And when it comes to skin conditions, it's like navigating a maze, dodging acne, dehydration, hyperpigmentation, and those OGs—aging and wrinkles. But we're not backing down. We're facing them head-on, armed with knowledge, determination, and a whole lot of Glo energy.

 Glo Team, let's do this. Let's hustle, let's grind, and let's glo like never before. 'Cause when we take care of ourselves, inside and out, there's nothing we can't achieve. Here's to becoming our own dream girls and letting our skin tell the story of our journey—one radiant glo at a time.

Keep shining, fam. Until next time, stay Glo'd up. ✨🌟

With love and vibes,

Glo Coach Leci

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