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Confessions Of An Esthetician

Hello my Glo Team Healers, welcome to our first real Locker Room Session!! I am

so excited for you to collect these Gems I will be dropping for you today. I hope there is at least one gem you can take away & add to your healing toolkit when our session is over.  ‘

Now this is a story all about how my skin got flipped-turned upside down. And I would like to take a minute just sit right there, I’ll tell you how my skin went to shits & I got it clear. (Drops mic) 

Let me start off by saying I am not the esthetician that was deep off into skincare before getting licensed. I actually had some pretty nice skin pre-baby. I can’t blame it all on my Sonshine though, I was on birth control before I got pregnant. I was actually in the process of switching my birth control due to user error & at my appointment I found out I was pregnant. HA!  

So post baby & birth control I started dealing with breakouts on my cheeks that were bright red & fleshy colored bumps on my forehead. Some would have pus, some I wouldn’t be able to do anything with, they just stayed until they were ready to go. I would break out before, during and after my cycle. I legit had no control or idea of what the freak happened to my skin. It literally just flipped one day. I was so unprepared because this wasn’t what I was used to dealing with.  I had no type of foundation to begin my healing. 

So what did I do? The same thing you did - GOOGLED MY BUTT OFF. Since having my son & dealing with the complications, I became this super naturalist. My hair was natural and I was searching for all natural products and remedies. Lucky for me this happened during the rise of the buzz word Natural.  Almost everything on the market was natural now, Yayy me! 

So I got to work, went to the stores, threw everything in my buggie and found myself back in the skincare aisle every other month. The products weren’t working. So what did I do - Started making my own duh! A little lemon honey mask, some toothpaste spot treatment, sugar scrub, and lets NOT forget the aztec clay mask with apple cider vinegar. (I am literally cringing) 

Wheww, not only did those not work, now I had sensitive skin. Talk about pissy, I was done trying things. I honestly did not know about estheticians, but I went to a dermatologist when I was younger for my eczema, I didn’t think to go for acne. I had friends that went and their acne became worse. That scared me away cause at this point, I can do bad by myself.! 

I just decided to thug it out. At this point acne is a part of my life , there's nothing I can do about it so f– it! I stopped trying, my acne came in worse due to everything I did to irritate it

I learned about estheticians when I got certified to do lashes. I wanted to legally lash so I set off to school. Stopped lashing cause it was not for me. But during school I fell in love with doing facials, I fell in love with client responses to treatments & I was pretty good at it if I do say so myself. 

During school I had to meal prep because the hours were weird (like 3-9 or something along those lines) And I was on a journey to become vegetarian & guess what - My skin started to look better.. Was it all the treatments we had to do in class or was it connected to the foods I was eating? Then I started playing the elimination game, I stopped eating meat and only ate fish/seafood. I ate more greens and fruits.. I started juicing and drinking smoothies. My skin looked better but the acne was still there. & Again I would hit a plateau. 

It wasn’t until I started my continuing education courses that I was trained on how to HEAL acne. 

During the training they did confirm that acne can not be cured, however it can be controlled! They also confirmed that you have to do it naturally or you will only get short term results like all my past attempts. 

Acne is a pesty, tricky son of a gun.  If I could go back in time I would tell myself to get help from an acne trained esthetician. I would have still crossed paths with my passion but would have saved so much time & money.

I don’t say this just cause I am an esthetician. I say this as an acne expert.

 I now know that acne shows up differently for everyone. It may look the same surface level but what triggers your acne to come to the playing field doesn’t necessarily trigger mine. So when we think about getting long term results, thinking like an acne expert, we know that it has to be a personalized approach or it won’t work. 

I was able to clear my skin because I did have the education and understanding of how skin works on top of the education about acne, its ways, and how to heal. 

But Lucky for you, you got me! 

I am here thriving in my passion helping women whose acne experience is hindering their quality of life build a game plan to control their acne, clear their skin, and create confidence in their abilities to heal themselves. 

And I Love Every Second Of It! 

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