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A six month 1:1 boot camp that teaches you about your 
skin & your acne, teaches you how to create a game 
plan for healing & clearing your skin, while also partnering 
with you through the process to help you execute & get results.

Glo Camp


are you ready to go from overwhelmed
with acne to a skin healing all-star


I get it - You have tried to clear your skin on your own and with the help of professionals, but neither attempt has gotten you  the results you were looking for. This skin journey has you stressed out and neglecting yourself in many areas of your life. It's time you STOP worrying about getting rid of your acne and switch your focus to healing. It's time for you to get grounded in where you are in your journey, fall in love with the  process & choose YOU. Your dreams of clear skin depend on it!

Come on sis let's face the facts


By now you’ve tried every TikTok trend for getting rid of your acne, watched all of your favorite youtuber product recommendation videos, and tried to make every Pinterest DIY mask to use on your skin. You're not getting the results you want and hear me out - I love the fight in you but sis you're going in circles. You are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to make 1+1=2 with the combination of products you have. You are constantly buying new products to add to the rotation and to add fuel to the fire, you don't really know what you are doing or what’s going on. You don't really know your skin, but you continue to throw these routines together by mixing and matching products that get you results for 2 weeks. Just to piss you off on the third week when you wake up to red pimples that are so disrespectful in size & have the nerve to hurt! At this point you are driving yourself crazy.


You're not oblivious to the risk you are taking by playing the guessing game. You’ve been lucky that you haven’t messed up your skin to the point where it's noticeable. This is a judgment free zone - I don't even blame you! I know you have gotten help in the past and they just pacified the symptoms so that you will keep coming back for treatments. They sold you dreams of a product that would get rid of your acne, and I mean here we are - acne live and thriving. Once you know better you do better, and this is just a classic case. You're already invested in your journey, you just need the right guidance to help you get on the right path. Let's get intentional with your goals, so you know how to direct that energy and willingness that gets you lasting results.  


the curriculum:

Before you can battle acne, you must train! In your rookie season of Glo Camp I help you become your own skin expert. Before we can correct we must first balance. During this module you will learn what it takes to balance your skin & the action steps to do so.

1:1 coaching calls 
virtual support
game plan review: feedback

support & accountability

You'll get 24/7 access to support within a private members only forum from our Team.

During your enrollment, you'll have ll private 1:1 45 minute calls and 6 private 1:1 30 minute calls with your Glo Coach Leci. The first 2 1/2 months in the program you will have 11 sessions once a week then you will drop down to biweekly sessions. 

You will receive a customized regimen with products and routine guidelines to help you clear. 

Our team will review your progress on these calls! This means we review your skin, your routines, food, products, etc and help you to continue making progress!


Pore Clogging Ingredient List

Glo Team Game Plans

Acne Safe Recipes

Acne Lifestyle Hacks

You dream of a fulfilling life where you are putting yourself out there for lucrative opportunities, networking with like minded people, and becoming more social. You want to be able to show up free and authentically you in these spaces. However, this isn't your current reality, it's a dream you hold close that acne is intruding on.


At the stage you are in it feels far away due to the current circumstances. You aren't comfortable in your own skin, which makes it hard to maneuver and do the groundwork it takes to build the kind of life you are craving. You try to drown out the insecurities your skin journey has produced with makeup but when it's time to shine you still find yourself taking the backseat due to not wanting the attention on you.


You don't have to keep the cycle going. Somewhere down the line you tied your skin journey to your self worth. You've had failed attempts that caused you to second guess yourself and start playing small. It's time you leave that reality behind, collect some wins & rebuild that trust within yourself so you can return to being THAT GIRL!


Glo Camp helps you reignite your inner glo as well as your outer glo. The truth of the matter is skincare is selfcare. It's a lifelong journey of getting to know yourself. I will teach you about your skin, how to decode your current skin issues, and bring awareness to how your skin is working with you to highlight the areas in life you need to give more TLC. I help put you in control of your healing and empower you to be able to heal yourself even after you leave camp. I teach you how to detach your skin journey from your self worth and realign it with your selfcare values. This boot camp is about bonding with yourself, reconnecting with self, and most importantly learning about self. Knowledge is your key to confidence and control over your current skin issues. Gone are the days of feeling like you have to struggle and experiment your way to healthy clear skin. It's time you put yourself in position to have control over your skin, your confidence, and your life. It's time you show up the best version of you and stop putting off creating the life you want.


Partner with me by joining Glo Camp today & let's start building your game plan for confidence, control, and clear skin.

  • Favorite product you can't live without?
    The Glo Sauce Duo - Skin Scripts Ageless Hydrating Serum + Vitamin C Green Tea Serum.. It leaves your skin Glo’n like you just had a Facial!
  • Favorite Ice Cream?
    Jeni’s Gooey Butter Cake Ice cream
  • Favorite way to spend your off time?
    Spending time with my son & making memories with my family.
  • What do you like about about being an esthetician?
    I love the aspect of helping people heal and reconnect with themselves. I love seeing the transformation from insecure to confident & bold. I wish that on everyone, to become comfortable & confident with yourself.
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